Psalm 51 with Jonathan Good

What is the passage actually saying?

  • Am I coming to this scripture with an assumption of what it means and what it is addressing?

  • Am I missing what God is saying because of my presuppositions?

  • What is the basic, literally meaning of the words and phrases?

When I kept silence, my bones waxed old. Hidden sin eats from the inside out.

Defining Key Words

Mercy - stopping down as a father kneeling to look at his son eye-to-eye.

I cannot come up to You, God my Father. Will You come down to me?

Loving-kindness - the attribute of God’s pity

Because You have pity, will You stoop down to me.

Blot - to smooth over with oil

Lord, will you smooth over my transgressions to remove the friction between me and Thee?


  1. We need to come to God with our sins. When we do, the sin is dealt with, forgiven, and moved on from.

  2. After we have reconciled with God, there is a washing that continues after the singular event is dealt with.

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